For those of us that know basketball, Rajon Rondo has seemed like a special player since his rookie season. Since then, he's become a champion, an All-Star, and a soon to be 2-time champ. With all his accomplishments, most analysts continue to consider him an afterthought in "Who's the best point guard?" discussions. Real basketball fans know better.
This, however, is not a "bash the clown shoes wearing analysts" post. This is a little history lesson for the younger fans. See, I grew up during the era of great centers. Patrick Ewing, David Robinson, and of course, Hakeem "the Dream" Olajuwon. "What's this got to do with Rajon Rondo?" you ask. Hakeem Olajuwon is the originator of one of his sickest moves. So, take a trip down memory lane as the okee-doke gets passed down to one of the world's best point guards.